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Showing posts from October, 2014

Avocado Tomato Grilled Cheese Sandiwch

I came up with this post because it was the last meal I had before going into the delivery room. I stood at the cooker showing my sister how to make a plain grilled cheese sandwich in an open pan. Shortly after eating it, the Baby contractions became stronger.... okay  a Lovely Baby came out some  minutes later. Lol. Back to grilled cheese. Its such an easy breakfast to make and you can fill it with just about anything you like. I made an avocado tomato grilled cheese sandwich. Here's what you need: 1 Avocado, pitted and cut in chunks 1 tomato, diced 1 small can sweet corn slices of light sandwich cheese/light/low fat mozzarella(if you're really watching your weight) some corned beef (optional) Place a slice of bread on the place, add avocado pieces, and corned beef,and a slice of cheese(or half a slice if you would)  place a slice of bread on that and repeat the avocado,corned beef,this time, add tomatoes and sweet corn,and cheese, cover with another slice

Plantain Balls/Mosa

Iquo, a great cook i Admire, inspired me to try the mosa,its a snack i look out for on small chop platters.funny enough,its either absent or in very little quantity. finding out I could make it easily is a blessing and I thought id share. What you need 1 very ripe plantain (please avoid using rotten plantain, very ripe plantain is ideal) 1/2 cup of flour (US measuring cup 1 cup of water 1 egg (optional) pinch of powdered pepper pinch of salt 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder Oil for frying Mash the plantain or blend with water, a dd the salt and pepper, the egg (optional) and baking powder. mix the batter well but be careful not to  overmix  the batter. Heat some oil in a non stick pan or pot, drop spoons of the batter in the oil, fry lightly for like 2 minutes on each side. drain on paper towels and serve with a pepper/ginger sauce or eat it just like that.